What is a Contest?
Similar to fantasy sports, Contests allow you to compete with other collectors to set a lineup of players using cards in your collection, tr...
How do I set my contest Lineup?
Once you've entered a contest, you'll land on the Lineup screen. Tap Edit or any of the card slots to begin adding eligible cards to your li...
When do I receive my Contest Winnings?
Contests winnings are available shortly after the contest is completed. Please keep an eye on the Contest, as you should be able to claim an...
Why do some of my cards have negative points?
During the contest, the cards that you play can earn both positive and negative points. Cards may even play for the winning team, but genera...
My Contest is not scoring properly, what do I do?
During a contest, your lineup can earn both positive and negative points depending on their performance. However, these stats can sometimes ...
How are contests scored?
Scoring is provided by a third party vendor, and the data we receive is final and will not be adjusted
What is Heat Index?
Heat Index: The heat index feature adds a boost multiplier on selected players based on their previous performance over “X” amount of days/g...
What cards can be used in Bunt 2024 season Contests?
For the 2024 Baseball season only 2024 cards can be used in Contests. Please note: As BUNT has grown over the years, changes have...
Can I trade Cards that are active in my contest?
No, if your card is active in a contest it is not eligible to be traded. You will receive one of these error messages if you tried to t...
Can I craft a card that is active in a contest?
No, if you have a card in the lineup in an active contest you are not able to use it in a craft you will receive an error message like below...
What are Contest Milestones?
Contests milestones are a new feature added to contest in the sports apps to allow collectors to earn prizes no matter your leaderboard posi...
Why can't I play certain cards in contests?
Cards from the current year are only eligible for contests. However, cards of players representing their old team are not eligible for conte...
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