Promo and or Redemption Codes
How do I claim a Promo or Redemption Code?
To claim a promotion or redemption code will bring you to our redemption site where you can c...
I received an error claiming my promotion or redemption code, what do I do?
If you experience an issue claiming your promotion or redemption code please contact support for further assistance. When contacting su...
How many promo codes or redemption codes can I claim?
Collectors are eligible to claim 1 redemption code per promotion.
I pulled a ticket for a Bowman Box what do I do?
Congratulations!Following the end of the Entry Period, potential winners will be contacted via in-app message. This will appear in your in a...
How do I claim my Bowman Box redemption code received via in app mail?
Once you receive your code in your in app inbox:1. Sign up for a account or log into your current account (Please visit ...
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