Community Policy and Guidelines
Before you can post in the Trade Feed or communicate with other collectors for the first time, you must agree to the Topps Apps Community Gu...
Topps Mobile Terms of Service
Prior to the successful creation of any fan account, fans must agree to our mobile terms of service in full. To review the service terms aga...
Moderation Policy
Moderation Policy Topps App moderators adhere to a “Three Strikes” policy in most cases and are constantly keeping an eye on the feeds. Fans...
Privacy Policy
To review what information we collect from you and how we use, store, and protect that information, review our privacy policy here: THE...
Three Strikes, You're Out
If you don’t watch your step you could find yourself in a pit of trouble. Fans can police other Fans in Card Trader using the comm...
What are Customer Support Hours?
Topps Digital Apps Customer Support Agents are available 7 Days a week 9:00 AM ET - 6:00 PM ET. Customer Support Requests a...
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