In the news section in app there are three options to choose from: 

1. News- this is where we post articles about what is going on in the app, new sets, and any news that needs to be released. 

2. Inbox- this is where customer support or someone from the app team will mail you an item. For example, if you make an in app purchase and there is an error and you do not receive the crystals/coins/packs. You would contact support and provide your receipt from google/apple and then support would issue you the missed content after confirming our system shows that you did not receive it. We would do so by sending you an in app mail to your inbox that would include the coins/crystals/ packs or what ever content purchased. 

3. Threads- This section is utilized for collectors to see their posts/comments.  If you make a post and or comment on a post, that information will show up in the threads section.